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Topic We are working on SilverCart 1.3 8649 Views

We are working on SilverCart 1.3

19 January 2012 at 8:01pm Last edited: 19 January 2012 8:01pm

Hi there,

some weeks ago we have started to work on SilverCart 1.3

Our initial roadmap never really included Version 1.3 since we were opting to jump on SilverStripe 3 right after SC 1.2 and start developing on SC 2 (for SilverStripe 3) right away.

You can read more about the new release here:


Re: We are working on SilverCart 1.3

22 March 2012 at 2:46pm

Hi Ramon!

When can we expect version 1.3 of SilverCart?


Re: We are working on SilverCart 1.3

22 March 2012 at 6:02pm Last edited: 22 March 2012 6:05pm

Hi Josua,

you can download the very latest, not for production version here

As for the official release, I think we will publish it in 6-8 weeks from now, i.e.May / June. It strongly depends on the amount of feedback we get from the community - this means you and other beta testers :-)


Re: We are working on SilverCart 1.3

23 March 2012 at 3:54pm Last edited: 23 March 2012 3:55pm

Hi Ramon!

Of course! I will be your beta tester. :)

I am very interested in the new feature of products translation, but you have not yet included in the main branch of the download and I've seen that still does not work on the frontend. Roland told me that it would soon be available. It would be great if you can include in the main branch to make a good test of all.

I have a doubt.
Does your translation system will be fully compatible with the normal SilverStripe translation pages? I mean the Translatable module.
Also if I can help in the translation into Spanish of texts no problem, you can count on me.


Re: We are working on SilverCart 1.3

23 March 2012 at 5:49pm

Hi Jose,

I was able to download the translatable branch of SilverCart on our Bitbucket site. I think this is the link:
If it contains a directory code/translation/ then it is the translatable branch.
It might be that the link works only for me. In that case go to, open the dropdown "branches" and choose translatable. Then you can download that branch by clicking "get source" on the right side.
Note that you have to do the same thing for each module we provide for silver cart, e.g. the payment modules.
Our translation system is fully compatible with SilverStripes translatable extension. The translatable extension does not work for Dataobjects, our feature makes DataObjects multilingual. If you are using test data you have to translate the site tree and all products manually if you want to run a multilingual test shop.
We really would appreciate if you made a spanish translation of SilverCart, Jose. Just copy the file lang/en_GB.php and translate from english to spanish. If you are done we will add it to the source code and mention you in the documentation. You may also clone the silvercart repo on bitbucket and make a pull request for lang/es_ES.php.

Re: We are working on SilverCart 1.3

24 March 2012 at 9:23pm Last edited: 25 March 2012 2:45pm

Hi Roland!

Yes, I had already done that. But I had seen that the default branch had more modern files than the branch translatable.
I mixed the translations directory with the default branch and I have been able to install it, but there are some things that do not work, if I click on the menu option 'Orders' shows the following error:
Fatal error: Class 'DateRangeSearchContext' not found in C:\wamp\www\silvercart\code\order\SilvercartOrder.php on line 355

For that reason I had requested to you that you join both branch to have the most current version of all files, to testing.

I have put the following in _config.php:

but only the top bar and some text from the widgets are displayed in German in the frontend, not the texts of the products.

Does not work yet?

I have seen long ago that you should have completed the translations module.
Are you working on it?
Are you sure you can finish it soon?

I ask because I have to make decisions to continue in a certain way or take other paths. Thanks. :)

Editing texts of other languages ​​should not be in a popup window, it's uncomfortable and richeditor not available.
It would be better to put a language selection combobox on the tab 'Content' and edit the text on the same tab 'Content'.

Widget sets system is really very powerful and clever. :)
I think what you could generalize to be useful to do other things, not just those related to the shopping cart.
A website is only text areas grouped.
I would put another section, similar to products section, but that would control information blocks, each block of information would be similar to the information entered for a product, but the button 'add to cart' not appear.
Likewise, you show areas with products, you could show areas with blocks of information.
This could be useful for many purposes, for example, show the services offered by a company.
This way a company could easily mix only zones with areas of information with zones of products.
SilverCart, along with the SilverStripe ability of blog and forum, would be more than a shopping cart and it would be useful to make all kinds of web pages for any company.

Have a nice weekend.

Re: We are working on SilverCart 1.3

25 March 2012 at 6:19pm

Hi Jose,
you cannt just mix the files of two branches. The branches have to be merged because there might be differnet changes to the same file in the branches.
I will try to merge the current tip into the translatable branch and tell you if I am done.
We do have a multilingual project soon wich will give a boost to multilingual features. This is a matter of days or weeks. I cannot promise you anything. We share our results with the community but we have to earn money as a top proirity

Re: We are working on SilverCart 1.3

25 March 2012 at 9:40pm

Hi Roland!

Ok. You let me know.
We are in total crisis. :(
We have to get money one way or another. :)
