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Topic SilverCart 1.3 released 5737 Views

SilverCart 1.3 released

28 July 2012 at 5:38am Last edited: 30 July 2012 12:42pm

Yesterday we released SilverCart 1.3 for SilverStripe 2.4. It brings lots of new features many of them capsulated in their own module. Download it for free and give it a try.

Re: SilverCart 1.3 released

29 July 2012 at 12:19pm Last edited: 30 July 2012 12:42pm

Hi Roland

Looks very nice. I like the new Backend Overhaul.

There was one thing (think its a simple one) not working when i update a 1.2 SC to 1.3 most of the Backend Tabs are empty, cause of the "i18n::set_locale('de_DE');" in "mysite/_config.php". And the Menu "Order" also not working cause of the Language issue i guess. All Products are gone :~|

Do you have a proper way to update your old installations to prevent running into troubles?

Have a nice day. malf_21

PS. And yes i used the Admin/Update functions…

Re: SilverCart 1.3 released

30 July 2012 at 10:55am Last edited: 30 July 2012 12:42pm

Hi Malwin,

I'll look into this issue today.

Usually we update by running "sake dev/build flush=all" via console in the webroot directory.
Afterwards we do the DB updates in the backend.

Do you have any error log entries available? Which PHP version are you using?


Re: SilverCart 1.3 released

30 July 2012 at 12:47pm

Hi Malvin,

I installed SilverCart 1.21 on a MAMP stack and then upgraded to 1.3 by replacing the following modules: Sapphire, SilverCart, Requirements_Engine, silvercart_payment_prepayment ... We updated the Zend Framework, thats why you have to replace even sapphire.

What language is set in your site tree?

Re: SilverCart 1.3 released

30 July 2012 at 9:32pm

Hi Malvin,

I might have found the bug: Delete line 163 of silver cart/_config.php which says

i18n::register_plugin('silvercart_i18n_de_DE_plugin', array('SilvercartI18nPlugin', 'de_DE'), 99);

Please tell me if it worked.

Re: SilverCart 1.3 released

3 August 2012 at 5:45pm

Hi Roland

I give it a try if i have the time to. Think someday next week. Thank a lot for your replys. malwin

Re: SilverCart 1.3 released

20 August 2012 at 3:32pm Last edited: 20 August 2012 3:32pm

Hi SCDevelopers

Still got the same error after all my trials with your hints. The Update Nr. 1 of the new 1.3 DB-update functions ends up with:

Error: Couldn't run query: SELECT "SilvercartOrderStatus"."ClassName", "SilvercartOrderStatus"."Created", "SilvercartOrderStatus"."LastEdited", "SilvercartOrderStatus"."Code", "SilvercartOrderStatus"."ID", CASE WHEN "SilvercartOrderStatus"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL THEN "SilvercartOrderStatus"."ClassName" ELSE 'SilvercartOrderStatus' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "SilvercartOrderStatus" LEFT JOIN "SilvercartOrderStatusLanguage" AS "SilvercartOrderStatusLanguage" ON (`SilvercartOrderStatus`.`ID` = `SilvercartOrderStatusLanguage`.`SilvercartOrderStatusID`) WHERE ("SilvercartOrderStatus"."ID" = 1) ORDER BY "Title" LIMIT 1 Column 'Title' in order clause is ambiguous
At line 525 in /kunden/343775_8001/web/1910505/A1910505/sctest/sapphire/core/model/MySQLDatabase.php

the same if i want to open up "Orders" in the backend. i deleted all order befor the update session. think my db is broken... got to look a bit deeper into this. have a nice day.

Re: SilverCart 1.3 released

21 August 2012 at 2:02pm

Hi Malwin,

sorry to hear that it still doesn't work for you. This error was fixed some time ago, so my best guess is that you use an old version or your DB data differs from our testing data.

If you don't mind, you could send me you project (complete project root directory) as a ZIP file together with a DB dump to "skoehler [at] pixeltricks [dot] de", so I'll try to reproduce the problem on my local installation.

All the best,